Well school is in full swing. Reid in 4th, Althea a big kindergartner! We had a full summer of 1st and 9th birthdays. Reid had a fun party at the public pool, Gus took his first steps right around is first birthday actually closer to the 4th of July. We did the usual trips to Minocqua, Gwinn, spend a lot of time at the pool, Paulo's waterpark etc. It was a warm nice summer.
Now being in full swing of school, and activities we are still enjoying some great weather. Last week it was in the 80s all week! Reid has golf and Althea is doing dance and is about to start swimming lessons at UWSP. She lost her first tooth about two weeks ago. Very exciting stuff. Reid is also about to have another missing tooth. Gus is learning new words. So far he can say, "ding," which usually means he is about to hit you with something. He can say Ba, duck, and hot. Althea absolutely loves school. She has made a lot of really nice new friends and just loves being there. Reid is learning that school can be hard sometimes! He scored extremely high on his standardized testing, not sure why or what it is used for but he did well, we didn't have any doubts. Anyway, that's just a little recap for now!
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
8 months +
Gusser has been crawling like crazy for a few weeks, right around the 8 month mark!
Today he discovered his tongue and keeps sticking it out. He weighs about 16 1/2 lbs, give or take. He was at the Dr. for impetigo that he just couldn't kick! He is starting to pull himself up on things and maybe just maybe is starting to sleep a teensy tiny bit better.
Althea has her introduction to kindergarten today! Time flies, wow. She learned to tie her shoes and is reading like crazy, more and more every day!
Reid and his Destination Imagination, "The Mystery Men," Team took FIRST PLACE in the regional competition and this coming weekend will be competing at the state tournament here at UWSP!
Today he discovered his tongue and keeps sticking it out. He weighs about 16 1/2 lbs, give or take. He was at the Dr. for impetigo that he just couldn't kick! He is starting to pull himself up on things and maybe just maybe is starting to sleep a teensy tiny bit better.
Althea has her introduction to kindergarten today! Time flies, wow. She learned to tie her shoes and is reading like crazy, more and more every day!
Reid and his Destination Imagination, "The Mystery Men," Team took FIRST PLACE in the regional competition and this coming weekend will be competing at the state tournament here at UWSP!
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
Gusser, Thea Bea, Reidster
Okay having three kids is way harder than I ever imagined. Gus, here is your formal apology....I'm sorry I haven't been keeping track of your accomplishments you are number three. Number three has many things that one and two didn't have, older siblings, experienced parents, all the fun that goes along with the older kid's activities etc., but unfortunately your parents have less time to keep track of things and take pictures of you etc. We love you a lot it'll just show in different ways.
So Gus, you got your first tooth on February 7th, bottom left and the bottom right followed about 2 weeks later. Yesterday, Martch 13th you started to really crawl after a couple weeks of trying to creep you even attempted to pull yourself up on things, you fell a lot!
You are a horrible sleeper. When I say horrible I mean absolutely God awful terrible. THE WORST. I'm sure you have a milk association with sleep, what's a mom to do? I wish someone would tell me. Sleep deprivation is torture. I keep thinking it will pass but you are already 8 months old little man come on!
You can say DADADADA and you have a very loud voice! You have the best smile, it's so big and you scrunch up your little nose! You are our missing puzzle piece, our right side book end that holds us all together as a final set.
Althea you are loving 4K and you are working with the college students on reading because you are so great at it! You love art, your friends Parker, Annabelle, Emily, Ellie etc. You really turned into a social butterfly and you absolutely adore your teacher and often ask when Ms. Wilke can come over!
You are enjoying dance as usual and have a recital coming up! I'm so excited to see you preform on the big stage!!!
You are a fabulous big sister, Gusser loves you so much and always has a kiss for you! I love your help with him and need it everyday! You also love to have Grandma pick you up from school, she treats you to a Happy Meal and you are creating some wonderful memories together and that fills my heart so very full. You are kind and gentle a great student, and really nice friend.
Reid......you are working so hard on Destination Imagination right now. I know you are going to do very welll as a team. I'm so excited to see you perform!
3rd grade....wow. 3rd grade, time flies. 3rd grade has come with its challenges, for instance you becoming a bit of a class clown! Never thought that would happen! But we seem to have it all under control now :) You still love to read, you've completed Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and lots of other books...way too many to list. The days are long but the years are short little man who is no longer so little. I still love to hold you in my lap, and you are the best big brother. Gus absolutely adores you and smiles whenever you enter the room!
So Gus, you got your first tooth on February 7th, bottom left and the bottom right followed about 2 weeks later. Yesterday, Martch 13th you started to really crawl after a couple weeks of trying to creep you even attempted to pull yourself up on things, you fell a lot!
You are a horrible sleeper. When I say horrible I mean absolutely God awful terrible. THE WORST. I'm sure you have a milk association with sleep, what's a mom to do? I wish someone would tell me. Sleep deprivation is torture. I keep thinking it will pass but you are already 8 months old little man come on!
You can say DADADADA and you have a very loud voice! You have the best smile, it's so big and you scrunch up your little nose! You are our missing puzzle piece, our right side book end that holds us all together as a final set.
Althea you are loving 4K and you are working with the college students on reading because you are so great at it! You love art, your friends Parker, Annabelle, Emily, Ellie etc. You really turned into a social butterfly and you absolutely adore your teacher and often ask when Ms. Wilke can come over!
You are enjoying dance as usual and have a recital coming up! I'm so excited to see you preform on the big stage!!!
You are a fabulous big sister, Gusser loves you so much and always has a kiss for you! I love your help with him and need it everyday! You also love to have Grandma pick you up from school, she treats you to a Happy Meal and you are creating some wonderful memories together and that fills my heart so very full. You are kind and gentle a great student, and really nice friend.
Reid......you are working so hard on Destination Imagination right now. I know you are going to do very welll as a team. I'm so excited to see you perform!
3rd grade....wow. 3rd grade, time flies. 3rd grade has come with its challenges, for instance you becoming a bit of a class clown! Never thought that would happen! But we seem to have it all under control now :) You still love to read, you've completed Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and lots of other books...way too many to list. The days are long but the years are short little man who is no longer so little. I still love to hold you in my lap, and you are the best big brother. Gus absolutely adores you and smiles whenever you enter the room!
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Gus and the Whirlwind that is Life
Well well well, here I find myself once again. I'm coming back to attempt to keep track of some of the milestones of my children once again! We've have added Gus to the family so I think I better start keeping track of some of the cool stuff he can do and when he does it!
On July 10th I received a phone call from my sister Lynn this is how it went.
Lynn: Mom said the baby is going to be born on Reid's birthday. Can you make that happen?
Me: Ha ha, yeah right, that is a week and a half before his due date. Both of the other kiddos were about a week past their due dates.
Well I woke up on July 12th, Reid opened his gifts and I pretty much went into labor and Gus was born a short time after that! It went quick and we went from a family of 4 to a family of 5 in the blink of an eye.
It has definitely been an adventure, these past 4.5 months! I was in denial but I'd definitely say now that Gusser had some colic issues. It was tough on all of us but the smiles, laughs, and the connection he has with Reid and Althea showed us the light.
At his 4 month check up he weighed in at 14 lbs. 12 oz.!
The colic began to subside and he become easier to put to sleep around the 4 month mark. He loves to be held and loves when someone is talking to him!
He rolled over on November 29th, from his tummy to his back and we all got to see it!
Just in the past two or three days he is grabbing for everything, he has always liked toys but now is grabbing anything within his reach! I think he will definitely keep us on our toes.
Althea is loving 4K, and ballet and tap classes at DEC. She is becoming an excellent reader and can read many books on her own, we are very proud. She is a lover of art, art projects and collecting anything!
Reid is doing well in school, and played soccer and baseball last summer and is now playing basketball at the Y. He is into Pokemon, Magic cards, and of course still reading up a storm....Harry Potter (still), The Sister's Grim, and basically anything funny. He may do Destination Imagination again this year.
That's a quick recap, I'll be posting probably without pictures because of time constraints with a baby who takes super short naps and wakes a lot at night! But hopefully I'll be able to log on and simply keep track of the wonderful milestones that come along with our three busy kiddos!
On July 10th I received a phone call from my sister Lynn this is how it went.
Lynn: Mom said the baby is going to be born on Reid's birthday. Can you make that happen?
Me: Ha ha, yeah right, that is a week and a half before his due date. Both of the other kiddos were about a week past their due dates.
Well I woke up on July 12th, Reid opened his gifts and I pretty much went into labor and Gus was born a short time after that! It went quick and we went from a family of 4 to a family of 5 in the blink of an eye.
It has definitely been an adventure, these past 4.5 months! I was in denial but I'd definitely say now that Gusser had some colic issues. It was tough on all of us but the smiles, laughs, and the connection he has with Reid and Althea showed us the light.
At his 4 month check up he weighed in at 14 lbs. 12 oz.!
The colic began to subside and he become easier to put to sleep around the 4 month mark. He loves to be held and loves when someone is talking to him!
He rolled over on November 29th, from his tummy to his back and we all got to see it!
Just in the past two or three days he is grabbing for everything, he has always liked toys but now is grabbing anything within his reach! I think he will definitely keep us on our toes.
Althea is loving 4K, and ballet and tap classes at DEC. She is becoming an excellent reader and can read many books on her own, we are very proud. She is a lover of art, art projects and collecting anything!
Reid is doing well in school, and played soccer and baseball last summer and is now playing basketball at the Y. He is into Pokemon, Magic cards, and of course still reading up a storm....Harry Potter (still), The Sister's Grim, and basically anything funny. He may do Destination Imagination again this year.
That's a quick recap, I'll be posting probably without pictures because of time constraints with a baby who takes super short naps and wakes a lot at night! But hopefully I'll be able to log on and simply keep track of the wonderful milestones that come along with our three busy kiddos!
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Catch Up
We've got our first loose tooth in the house!!!
Reid's bottom left tooth is a wiggling!
Reid had a great kindergarden year, spent his reading time in Mrs. Hintz's second grade class and made some great friends. Summer has been a blast so far, lots of little trips and fun at the pool!
Althea is hilarious right now, talking non stop.
She says, "I love you." "You are the best mommy in the whole wide world." She has graduated from calling her brother Buddy to calling him Reid.
I don't think I ever did a potty update, but she was potty trained in no time, right around age 2. Super easy, that's why I probably didn't write about it!
Reid's bottom left tooth is a wiggling!
Reid had a great kindergarden year, spent his reading time in Mrs. Hintz's second grade class and made some great friends. Summer has been a blast so far, lots of little trips and fun at the pool!
Althea is hilarious right now, talking non stop.
She says, "I love you." "You are the best mommy in the whole wide world." She has graduated from calling her brother Buddy to calling him Reid.
I don't think I ever did a potty update, but she was potty trained in no time, right around age 2. Super easy, that's why I probably didn't write about it!
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
I am going to start off this post by saying, "I'm sorry Althea." Not in a, "I'm a horrible mom sort of way, but in just a "I'm sorry, because I'm here, I'm taking all of you and all you do in, but I'm not writing about it," sort of way :) So I want you to know that I'm trying my best, and doing my best, and loving all the time we spend together and you are a fabulous, fabulous, wonderful little puzzle piece to our family. I love you more than you could know, and I sure LOVE 2. 2 gets such a bad wrap. I love 2. People always say children grow up too fast, and that is very true, they do. But they have to right? Time moves forward, we all age, we blink and 2 years have gone by. But......I won't say I wish I could stop time, but I wish children just could be 2, act 2, for a little longer. 2 is awesome. Althea Kate you are 2 and you are smart, strong, wise beyond your years, you have a big sense of humor, you are beautiful, you are important, and you are loved.
Happy 2nd birthday and lets cruise on forward on this wild ride that we call year 3!
In an attempt to make it up to Althea and Reid that I haven't written in a year (sometime down the road when they may want to read this) I will be doing a flash back also with every post. Sorry I didn't document your awesomeness! We do still have a lot of pictures and video though.
She has lots of words, she looks out for her brother with all of her heart and talks about him, she calls him "Buddy," all day long while he is at school. I actually had someone come up to me in the store the other day because she was just talking and talking about "Buddy" and she said, "Oh my gosh, is Buddy her brother? That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard." That made my day.
She is often our dinner entertainment. She pulls her shirt up over her head and laughs or starts the refrigerator game music and runs around like a crazy person laughing.
She is SMART. Yesterday we were on the porch and she was very concerned that there was melting crayon on the floor. (From a project Reid and I did along time ago while she was napping.) I asked her what she thought it was and her reply was, "Art." Simply but true, it is art. Crayon that I will not ever clean up or purposely get rid of because it is "art," to her. I LOVE it.
Since I haven't written in so long I could just keep going, but I think I'll leave it at that. Here are a few pictures and a flashback that I promised also!
Happy 2nd birthday and lets cruise on forward on this wild ride that we call year 3!
In an attempt to make it up to Althea and Reid that I haven't written in a year (sometime down the road when they may want to read this) I will be doing a flash back also with every post. Sorry I didn't document your awesomeness! We do still have a lot of pictures and video though.
She has lots of words, she looks out for her brother with all of her heart and talks about him, she calls him "Buddy," all day long while he is at school. I actually had someone come up to me in the store the other day because she was just talking and talking about "Buddy" and she said, "Oh my gosh, is Buddy her brother? That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard." That made my day.
She is often our dinner entertainment. She pulls her shirt up over her head and laughs or starts the refrigerator game music and runs around like a crazy person laughing.
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Sweet little Thea-Bee-Ah on her 2nd birthday. |
Since I haven't written in so long I could just keep going, but I think I'll leave it at that. Here are a few pictures and a flashback that I promised also!
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Honestly, does it get any cuter than this? Our heart and soul. |
Flashback Time: Althea's first birthday!!! |
Thursday, December 20, 2012
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