We were out enjoying the absolutely beautiful winter day with Reid! (Remember you can double click on the pictures to view them larger.)
Monday, December 29, 2008
Snow Fun
We were out enjoying the absolutely beautiful winter day with Reid! (Remember you can double click on the pictures to view them larger.)
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Where is Reido?

Get it? Like where is Waldo? Reid is even in red and white stripes. Anyway....what happens when Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts and Uncles go overboard and love Christmas? This is! Look at all this great stuff! It took me an hour + to unpack it and stack it neatly under the tree. I wish I would have taken a picture before I put it all under the tree in piles. Our whole living room was full of gifts! Thank you for everything, Reid is going to have a blast with all of his new stuff!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas Eve

These few pictures are what I have from the Christmas Eve celebration at my parents house.
Those of you who know us know that Christmas Eve at my parents is no small endeavor. There are 40+ people having a great time. Of those 40+ people 18 of them are children opening up tons and tons of gifts! Reid made it to about 6:30 so these are the only pictures I got of him. Believe it or not he pretty much slept through fun times being had by all.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Reid's First Christmas Extravaganza!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Elf on a Shelf

Here is Reid with his "The Elf on the Shelf."
My brother Paulo and his family sent Reid this adorable gift for St. Nick's Day. I had never seen this before and it is absolutely the cutest thing ever! If you are looking to start a new Christmas tradition with your children this is perfect! Click here to check it out. The story is so cute and not to mention the funny little elf that you have to give a name to! Thank you Uncle Paulo and Aunt Gwen for giving Reid this great memorable Christmas tradition that he will look forward to doing every year!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
This is How We Roll
Friday, December 5, 2008
What a Cutie!

Well I haven't taken any pictures in what feels like weeks!
We are all doing well and getting ready for the holidays! I can't wait, it's very exciting to have a little one to share these upcoming weeks with. Getting the Christmas tree, the first snow fall, decorating, and sharing the holidays with family have a whole new meaning now that we have Reid!
We have been feeling very sleepy since Reid has decided that waking up to eat two or three times between 6:30 pm and 6:30 am is a grand idea. At least he is going back to sleep after eating! We were spoiled when he was sleeping from 7-3 and then sleeping again until 6:30 and now we are in the middle of what I've learned is called "The 4 Month Sleep Regression." If you look hard enough on the internet you can find a name or title for anything! I'm not sure that I believe these things exist, but at least it makes me feel better that others are experiencing the same things. You can read about it Here and here if you are interested. BTW, I love this Ask Moxie blog, she rocks and this is the only thing I've read about so far.
Reid has also been going in for weight checks because he is coasting down the charts in the weight category. Now, that being said I know he is healthy, happy and fine but as a mom it still makes me worry and also lose a little sleep. (My sisters went through the same things with their children, thanks for the support ladies!) So again I turn to the "trusty" internet and I found this about breast fed babies. Which again I found comforting. Disclaimer, I do not care how you feed your babies, just as long as you feed them. The lady who wrote this is an awesome writer and she is extremely pro breast feeding. She writes things like, "But I find it absurd that the solution routinely proposed for slow weight gain in breastfed babies is the introduction of a potent allergen with a high potential renal solute load, a substance associated with increased risks of health problems both short- and long-term." when referring to formula. This makes me chuckle and think back to discussing this with my good friend Em. This site and entries are very very well written but do not read them if you are an easily offended about how you feed your baby.
Well anyway that is our update and I'll be back this weekend with some pictures of us getting our tree, hopefully!
Maybe I'll try to squeeze in a nap now!
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