I'm done. I'm done. I'm doing the happy dance to celebrate finishing a HUGE editing job. Probably the biggest photo editing job I've ever done. It was fun, it was tiring, it was late, but it is out the door. With traveling out to New York, then heading up north, and a bathroom remodel my work got pushed back and it was just hanging ever so heavily over my head. It feels great to be done.
That being said there are SO many pictures that I have to post. Days at the park, New York, Heather and Abe's wedding, bathroom remodel, etc.
Reid is crawling like crazy, he is going up steps, blabbing like crazy, eating what we eat. Is it weird that an 11 month old loves eggplant Parmesan, and risotto? Anyway, no Reid pictures right now but I'll leave you with what we ate for dinner the other night. YUM.
-Disclaimer: I'm not a food photographer and I will never claim to be one :) Too hard for me, to much fakery (I know that's not a word) and too much fussing. But sometimes our food looks too good to not pass a camera in front of it. Thanks Kevin, you're a great cook!