Thursday, July 30, 2009

Long Lost Camera

We have a point and shoot camera that is mainly used in situations where I don't want to carry my big camera or Kevin grabs it and takes a few shots. So the camera sort of gets left in the dust and then I remember that I have some random, cute pictures on it.

Fun hairdos after eating and bathing!
Riding in a laundry basket is a blast! This picture isn't in focus but I had to show it anyway!

Bare bunz!

Friday, July 24, 2009

A few Pictures and an Update

Reid had his 1 year check up this week. He weighed in at 20lbs. 1 oz. (10-15%) and 29 1/2 inches (25-50%). His shots went well and he didn't seem to have any reactions from them. 10 days after the MMR he could possibly get a rash and a fever bc it is live. Which is so crazy to me, 10 days seems like such a long time. Hopefully we'll avoid that! He was crying after his shots and then stopped quickly. As the nurse walked by him he looked and her and screamed. She said, "I'm leaving I'm leaving," we all laughed. He is doing so good, I just can't believe it's been a year. I can't believe it. He is so grown up. The weaing process is going well. If "well" is a way to describe it. "Well" would be a way of describing it for someone who didn't want to nurse anymore. I like it and wish that I would have had someone capture our time in pictures (tastefully :) But he was showing signs of already weaning himself so we decided it was time to cut out his sleep/nursing association. At first it was really hard bc he was teething. Don't try to wean while teething people. Dumb mistake. At that point I told my mom that he would be nursed until he was in kindergarden. Ha. Now we can, yes I said "we" can, put him for a nap just by walking and rocking him. Wow what a big step in his little life. I'm a little sad that that part of our time together is fading fast. Last night was the first night in his life that I didn't put him down for the night. Kevin was rocking him and he was blabbling Ma Ma Ma Ma (in a good way, not a crying way!) I'm sad but yet so very proud of him at the same time.
Enjoy the weekend people! We will, we are looking forward to another fun weekend adventure!
Pretzel boy, he loves pretzels!
This was before Reid's first boat ride. The life jacket was great, and Kevin even could hold him like a trout. Please don't call child services on us, there is a wide strap between his legs and notice his smile :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Sunday, July 19, 2009


Today Reid discovered his shadow. He saw it, waved, and quickly stopped. He looked again, waved, stopped and started to cry, really cry. It was hard not to laugh since he isn't scared of cruising around and flying head over heals over his push carts but his own shadow scared him :)


Here is Reid with his FAMOUS cousin Joey, Joe I should say. As you can see it's fun to have a professional hockey player in the family and Reid liked him too :) As you scroll down you will see what Joe is so cleverly covering up. ON WISCONSIN!!

Reid doing "Gooooaaallll" with his hands which now has transformed to "Goooonnnnne" for baseball season.

Oh a hockey stick. Hmmm can't wait to be able to get on the ice!

Monday, July 13, 2009


One is such a BIG number. It means many new things to us. It means walking, talking and probably other things we don't have a clue about!

Reid turned ONE yesterday. One is such a BIG number.

We had a wonderful birthday party at the cabin and just had a fun time!
When we came home Kevin and I talked about the day Reid was born and what he did in his first few hours of life. How he has always from the first hour of his life been a good eater, how he loved to be wrapped tight, the tighter the better. Remembering how we smiled the first time he giggled, cheered when he first rolled over, how we were amazed when he figured out how to sit up from laying down, how I screamed and jumped up and down when I saw his first tooth, these BIG things made me think that all of these accomplishments fit into the last ONE year. One is such a BIG number. I'm excited for his first step, first sentence, and whatever else comes along in year two. Let the wild ride continue little man and let it be wilder! Happy Birthday, we love you!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Reid loves the water! Here are a few pictures from one of our evenings at Mike and Sandy's pool!
Bring back the hot weather, we love to go to the pool!

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July or 5th

I'm behind again in my pictures but I have to sneak this one in!
I hope everyone had a great 4th of July or in our case 5th of July!A Reid update: Reid will turn one on Sunday! Wow. He popped another tooth and it looks like there are 4 or 5 more on their way. Yikes. He has been walking behind his push carts for about a week now! He looks like such a little peanut walking. We had a great time at the fireworks, he just stared at them and clapped!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Could this be any more fun? Reid has so many cousins and the best part is that he gets to see them a lot. Not everyday a lot, but a lot. I just couldn't resist putting up these "couch" group shots bc they are so funny and cute. This one is probably the "best" most posed, everyone looking at the camera etc.
Isn't this one cute with Chase giving Reid a little cuddle?
I love this one with Reid looking up at Chase! So sweet, Chase loves little kids!
Last but not least I had to put this one up bc check out Evan's funny face! Too cute.