So I still am getting a lot of questions about cloth diapering. Not only am I getting questions I'm getting weird looks, rolling eyes, people asking for information, and "way to go,"s.
Now I'm just going to keep this short because if you want to cloth diaper there are SO MANY resources out there on that fancy inter-web thingy. I am by no means an expert on cloth diapers for I've only used one kind. There are people out there that have tons of different kinds and have tried everything. You have to find what works for you and your family and how much money and time you want to spend.
We use the Bum
Genius 3 one size diapering system. They are a diaper that you stuff with a microfiber insert. They go on the baby just like a disposable. They adjust in size so you don't have to buy a ton of different sizes. They are awesome! I must say I'm not sure Kevin would have kept cloth diapering without
THIS. It is essential. Just believe me you'll want one.
Cotton Babies is a great resource. They even have a new diapers system that has disposable inserts. You can see them
One thing if you do end up cloth diapering these diapers have to be washed in a pretty specific type of laundry detergent. The detergents have to be free of enzymes, phosphates, brighteners, perfumes, fragrances, and dyes. So if you do make an investment in the diapers you'll want to wash them properly and according to the directions.
Please don't email and tell me that cloth diapering uses just as much energy as disposables and that I use more water washing them blah blah blah. Like I said, it works for us and please do what works best for you and your family :)
So anyway, easy cheesy. We love to cloth diaper. I'm not totally insane, I'm not a crazy tree hugger, I don't care how you diaper your own baby, just diaper them please. We do use disposables when we travel. Which isn't necessary, they sell a lot of things that make diapering a baby while traveling pretty easy it just isn't for us.
Are there times when the diaper is so full of poop, your husband isn't home and you are trying to rinse the diaper as your newly walking baby toddles in and grabs on to your leg and the toilet as he falls, you drop the diaper and the sprayer, then poop and toilet water spray you in the face and you wish at that moment you weren't cloth diapering? Yup there are. Well maybe just once........or twice.