This was taken on Valentine's Day! I had grand plans of doing a Vday photoshoot, but it didn't happen. |
Althea is doing really well. She gets hauled all over the place, to school, to the library, hockey, to music class, etc. and has become very used to her carseat. She is talking a lot and giggling. She rolled over on February 12th. She rolls from her back to her front most often. Although she can roll from her stomach to her back she rarely does.
Reid is still loving school and reading like crazy. Every day he surprised us by reading something new. He still cooks every day and likes to tell stories. It was dinosaur week at school and they all had so much fun. So much fun that one day as we were playing outside Reid informed everyone who walked by that it was Dinosaur Week. The pedestrians were less interested however. He is a great big brother and has really started to interact with his sister. He occasionally covers his ears and says he can't hear when she cries but for the most part is pretty tolerant of her baby ways.
Hockey has come to an end and we are moving on to swimming lessons and soccer in April. Let the fun continue!