So I just needed to pop on and write a few very random things down.
It is March and the temps are in the 70s, yes the 70s! It is great, and I can't believe it. I hope it sticks but I'm not that naive.
All is well with us, Althea weighed in at 10 lbs. 13 oz and 24 inches long. She is on the little side according to the charts. She is thriving and doing great. She is happy, and laughs and smiles a lot. She has her moments of course :) It is very interesting to see the differences between her and Reid. She is a very cautious baby right now. She doesn't want anyone other than Kevin and I to hold her. She cries when some strangers even talk to her. She cries for my mom who sees her almost everyday. The amount of tears usually depends on if she is tired or not too. Reid was the opposite of that, he would go to anyone, and loved being around people. I hope it is a phase.

Here are a few pictures from our trip to the Kalahari. Have I mentioned that Reid does not have the ability to look and smile at the camera at the same time?!? Ha ha, something I can show him and laugh about later. We just had our little waterproof camera so the images are a little blurry, but still cute. Do you like our attempt at getting photos of all 3 grandbabies together for their grandparents? At least we tried!