I am going to start off this post by saying, "I'm sorry Althea." Not in a, "I'm a horrible mom sort of way, but in just a "I'm sorry, because I'm here, I'm taking all of you and all you do in, but I'm not writing about it," sort of way :) So I want you to know that I'm trying my best, and doing my best, and loving all the time we spend together and you are a fabulous, fabulous, wonderful little puzzle piece to our family. I love you more than you could know, and I sure LOVE 2. 2 gets such a bad wrap. I love 2. People always say children grow up too fast, and that is very true, they do. But they have to right? Time moves forward, we all age, we blink and 2 years have gone by. But......I won't say I wish I could stop time, but I wish children just could be 2, act 2, for a little longer. 2 is awesome. Althea Kate you are 2 and you are smart, strong, wise beyond your years, you have a big sense of humor, you are beautiful, you are important, and you are loved.
Happy 2nd birthday and lets cruise on forward on this wild ride that we call year 3!
In an attempt to make it up to Althea and Reid that I haven't written in a year (sometime down the road when they may want to read this) I will be doing a flash back also with every post. Sorry I didn't document your awesomeness! We do still have a lot of pictures and video though.
She has lots of words, she looks out for her brother with all of her heart and talks about him, she calls him "Buddy," all day long while he is at school. I actually had someone come up to me in the store the other day because she was just talking and talking about "Buddy" and she said, "Oh my gosh, is Buddy her brother? That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard." That made my day.
She is often our dinner entertainment. She pulls her shirt up over her head and laughs or starts the refrigerator game music and runs around like a crazy person laughing.
Sweet little Thea-Bee-Ah on her 2nd birthday. |
She is SMART. Yesterday we were on the porch and she was very concerned that there was melting crayon on the floor. (From a project Reid and I did along time ago while she was napping.) I asked her what she thought it was and her reply was, "Art." Simply but true, it is art. Crayon that I will not ever clean up or purposely get rid of because it is "art," to her. I LOVE it.
Since I haven't written in so long I could just keep going, but I think I'll leave it at that. Here are a few pictures and a flashback that I promised also!
Honestly, does it get any cuter than this? Our heart and soul. |
Flashback Time: Althea's first birthday!!! |