The hospital had these newborn necessities. They are sleep sacks that have wings that wrap around a baby to keep them tightly swaddled. Reid loved to be swaddled and it kept him so nice and warm. This yellow Halo was his first and then came a light blue one from Grandma and Grandpa. They quickly became his favorite comforting accessory. As you can see in the picture it was huge on him when he was born. The reason for the Halo tribute is that Reid has officially outgrown his Halo. We were still having him sleep in it at night with his arms out. His feet were outstretching it and we reluctantly decided he is officially too big for his beloved Halo. A Halo is truly a necessity for a newborn it settled him down and comforted him many times. Here's to the Halo, thank you!!! I'm not going to lie, I will shed a tear when I actually pack them away. My little angel is no longer a newborn.
This is the coolest thing I've ever seen. I wish they had Halo's when my kids were little. We had to take blankets and wrap them around . . . and tuck them in . . . it was such a pain!
I re-read that comment and it makes it sound like my kids are grown! No really, they didn't have those cool things even two years ago!
The Halo sleepsack swaddle is awesome! it was the BEST for us too and now we use the early walkers (they have holes for the feet to stick out!) from Halo and they are great too! they come in bigger sizes too so don't give up on HALO!!! they even have sizes up to like 4T i think! get a larger size and keep your little one safe as he grows! we got ours from Halosleeps.com! no tears! just shop for the next cool thing from Halo!
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