Thank you thank you! This blog is sometimes such a great networking device. Thank you for all the emails and encouraging words. Sometimes when things are tough all you really need to hear is that someone else is right there with you. You need to hear that someone else's child took over a month to "grow" their teeth! You need to hear that someone's baby is waking up 10 times a night. You need to hear that it will pass and that you're not going to go crazy. You need to hear that someone else took their children to the ER because they were getting teeth. You need to hear that it will pass.
I have the best friends and family ever, seriously. Thank you sincerely. Thank you Mom for always thinking Reid is an angel and watching him on his most difficult day. Thank you for lying to me and telling me that he was good all day just to make me feel better. (He's never crabby according to her :)
The day is young, laundry is done, baby is sleeping and bathed, kitchen is clean. There is editing to be done by a deadline of tomorrow morning and ads to be designed, a baby to play with, he has all these awesome new toys to explore thanks to G and G Neuman!!, and a walk definitely needs to be taken in this beautiful weather. So GO!! GO!!
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