Saturday, August 29, 2009


I often get the question, "Why did you move back to STEVENS POINT?" It's true we left the amazing city of Madison, New Jersey and the closeness of NYC. We left there to come back to a place that is cold, has no GAP, Banana Republic (gasp), or Whole Foods.

The answer is quite simple. That answer is in the photos below.

Our families are so important to us. It is important that they be a part of all of our special days, big milestones and our everyday life.

This past week I watched my parents spend time with their grandchildren. I watched as they sent some of them off to college with a farewell party and then a quiet lunch with just themselves. I watched as they played with the toddlers and held the babies. I watched as they were AMAZED that Reid could back down stairs, eat with a spoon, and run around the house behind his cart. I listened as they were as amazed as first time parents at these simple things even after having eight children, 15 grandchildren, and 3 great grandchildren. Then I realized I wished nothing more for Reid. I've always hoped for him to have a close relationship with his grandparents and he does already. Having Kevin's parent close and having Reid be there first grandchild is so fun. They love to play with him, take him places and show him new things. Grandparents are special and being close to spend time with them is why I can tolerate not having a GAP and the below zero temps. I believe it gives them hope too. Hope that they can watch him grown into a strong caring young man.

I cherish these pictures more than any others right now. They show love, they show support, they show family.

A lot of things in life we don't only do for ourselves we do for our family, for hope, for tradition, for dreams and for love.

1 comment:

Nerissa said...

I couldn't agree with you more Elizabeth! The times I watch my children with my parents and grandparents are the best times of my life. I wouldn't want it any other way ...