These were taken Setmember 13th. Reid had been walking for a few days but still looked hilarious trying, arms up for balance and concentrating so hard. He would fall and I would ask him if he wanted to try again and he would clap clap clap (his way of signing "yes") and I would pick him back up and he'd try again. We would repeat this until he just went on to something different. It had to be exhausting for him! Even though now he is an old pro at walking I still wanted to finally post these pictures!
I just wanted to add this one for good measure so you all know that tomatoes not only taste good, they smell good too :) Plus I just love this picture. He looks so serious, like smelling tomatoes is such an important task, but I love that you can see little scraps on his arm and dirt on his legs. He was a true summer babe this year!
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