Friday, January 29, 2010
If you haven't seen THIS yet, check it out!!! Very creative idea and who doesn't want to get a little boost every now and then?
Happy Birthday to me....
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Since I am being hounded....

for pictures here you go!!! I know I know I've been a slacker. Every spare moment I've had during nap time or after Reid went to bed went to finishing a project for work. I do not think I've ever been happier to be done with a project. Don't get me wrong I love to edit photos but this particular project was a royal pain in the butt. Anyway, I'm back to normal now even though my house isn't yet!!
Pavelski Christmas has been put on the back burner for some vacation pictures. I didn't take that many pictures. I wish I would have brought our little point and shoot camera along because I was worried about the sand and the rain and someone taking my pretty pricey equipment if I left it on the beach to go swimming. So I didn't sweat taking too many shots because we were there to relax and I know that there is nothing more annoying to my husband than me saying "Oh oh I need the camera I NEED a picture of that," and the moment being gone. So what we did was relax and relax some more. Ahhhh St. Thomas how we loved thee......
Reid's favorite parts of the trip were the elevators, the cats "mor mor meop, mor mor meop(meow)" is mostly what we heard every time we left the room, drinking from a straw and the foot showers between the beach and the pools were more of his favs.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
We had a great vacation. It was wonderful. Reid did great and loved the sand water and waves.
Kevin and I are back to the grind so as soon as we both finish our projects I'll be posting pictures. Hopefully I'll be done by the time I turn 32. ha ha.
Kevin and I are back to the grind so as soon as we both finish our projects I'll be posting pictures. Hopefully I'll be done by the time I turn 32. ha ha.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
New Year Resolution
I really wasn't sure about a resolution. I was thinking and I usually try to do very realistic things.
I usually don't start on the 1st and I usually do pretty good. This year I just didn't feel like I needed to make one. Kevin never does and I just figured oh well I don't need one. Then I started reading what a few of my friends were up to and what they were doing. Mostly just things they wanted to accomplish this year, no major resolutions. Then I realized that last year I wanted it ALL. I wanted to prove I could do it all. I wanted to be a stay at home mom, I wanted to have a career, I wanted to nurse my baby until he was at least one, I wanted to cloth diaper him, I wanted to do all our yard work, and house work by ourselves and still have a hobby or two. I wanted to build my business and work from home all while having a little one in the house with me. I wanted to do all my own photo editing, accounting and invoicing. Well guess what? I did it. I did it all this past year. Don't get me wrong I do get help. I could have never done all this with out my husband of course. He cooks, he cleans, he works, he does A LOT. I could have never done it without my mom. She is willing to help us at anytime and the drop of a hat. So thank you for helping me to be able to "Have it All." This year I may not slow down but I may just ask for more help. I know it sounds a little selfish but it will be hard for me, I like to do it all and I like to do things my way. But I think I'll be a little more easy going if I stop and think "I could really use an extra hand right now." And maybe just maybe I'll take a little more time for myself. We are going to start with a vacation.....ahhhh and maybe a massage courtesy of my lovely in-laws!! thank you! Oh I'd also like to live a more "sustainable" life but that will probably be in the works. Ha.
I usually don't start on the 1st and I usually do pretty good. This year I just didn't feel like I needed to make one. Kevin never does and I just figured oh well I don't need one. Then I started reading what a few of my friends were up to and what they were doing. Mostly just things they wanted to accomplish this year, no major resolutions. Then I realized that last year I wanted it ALL. I wanted to prove I could do it all. I wanted to be a stay at home mom, I wanted to have a career, I wanted to nurse my baby until he was at least one, I wanted to cloth diaper him, I wanted to do all our yard work, and house work by ourselves and still have a hobby or two. I wanted to build my business and work from home all while having a little one in the house with me. I wanted to do all my own photo editing, accounting and invoicing. Well guess what? I did it. I did it all this past year. Don't get me wrong I do get help. I could have never done all this with out my husband of course. He cooks, he cleans, he works, he does A LOT. I could have never done it without my mom. She is willing to help us at anytime and the drop of a hat. So thank you for helping me to be able to "Have it All." This year I may not slow down but I may just ask for more help. I know it sounds a little selfish but it will be hard for me, I like to do it all and I like to do things my way. But I think I'll be a little more easy going if I stop and think "I could really use an extra hand right now." And maybe just maybe I'll take a little more time for myself. We are going to start with a vacation.....ahhhh and maybe a massage courtesy of my lovely in-laws!! thank you! Oh I'd also like to live a more "sustainable" life but that will probably be in the works. Ha.
More Neuman Christmas
More pics from the Neuman Christmas celebration.
Here is Reid climbing through his new tunnel.
A boy after my own heart. His favorite gift was crayons. He loves to color and I love that.

Here are Heather and Abe in the tent and tunnel. I think they were meant to be.
Stay tuned, Pavelski Christmas is coming soon.
Here is Reid climbing through his new tunnel.

Saturday, January 2, 2010
The Christmas Celebration
that may prompt my sister and brother-in-law to never want children. Just kidding, well maybe not. We celebrated Christmas with the Neuman side of the family the weekend before Christmas. I kid you not the second they walked in the door Reid was clingy and whiny. He probably woke up a million times before we even ate dinner that first night and a million more times during the night. He puked, he fevered, you name it. I think my in-laws were tired after the first night. I think my sister-in-law was wondering if I seriously picked Reid up out of his crib every night a million times whenever he peeped. But it turned out he was one sick little boy. All and all he was a trooper and he did enjoy the celebrations. I'll have pictures of that later but for now I have to show you what and how we ate the second night. It was a lot of fun and Reid even let me eat a little before wanting a little pain relief by being held.
The clan
The Grill
It was a stone electric grill. There are little baskets that we warmed cheese and potatoes in underneath. We grilled meats, and veggies, then just ate different combos on crusty breads mainly with the melted cheese on top. YUM YUM YUM.
These 2 boys ate and ate and ate some more. It felt like they were never going to quit.

The end.
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