Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Since I am being hounded....

for pictures here you go!!! I know I know I've been a slacker. Every spare moment I've had during nap time or after Reid went to bed went to finishing a project for work. I do not think I've ever been happier to be done with a project. Don't get me wrong I love to edit photos but this particular project was a royal pain in the butt. Anyway, I'm back to normal now even though my house isn't yet!!
Pavelski Christmas has been put on the back burner for some vacation pictures. I didn't take that many pictures. I wish I would have brought our little point and shoot camera along because I was worried about the sand and the rain and someone taking my pretty pricey equipment if I left it on the beach to go swimming. So I didn't sweat taking too many shots because we were there to relax and I know that there is nothing more annoying to my husband than me saying "Oh oh I need the camera I NEED a picture of that," and the moment being gone. So what we did was relax and relax some more. Ahhhh St. Thomas how we loved thee......
Reid's favorite parts of the trip were the elevators, the cats "mor mor meop, mor mor meop(meow)" is mostly what we heard every time we left the room, drinking from a straw and the foot showers between the beach and the pools were more of his favs.

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