Let's see what else is new with Reid....
-He has all of his teeth until the 2 yr molars. (I secretly thank God for that everyday. Boy did he have a hard time with those teeth.)
-He continues to LOVE music. So we've gain a love hate relationship with Laurie Berkner. He will watch and listen to her music over and over and over. This is great when we've got things to do around the house, it's not great when you wake up in the middle of the night with the same song running through your head over and over and over and over and over, get the picture?
-Still won't smile at the camera.
-Sleeping like a champ. (Did I really say that? I don't want to jinx that !)
-Happy happy happy. He dances around the house. He likes to "cook" in his tent with our pots and pans. Today he said "cooking mama,?" and took me into the tent. That is almost a sentence right?
-His favorite book is the Detroit Tiger baseball book, I'm not even kidding.
-The other day I went to get him out of his crib and I found him with his socks on his hands saying "Doops," (oops) that is from a book he has where an animal puts his shoes on his hands and says "Oopps."
-He loves it outside and we can't even say the word snow-pants and he's trying to get to the basement to find his.
I could go on forever but enjoy the pictures for now!

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