Monday, January 31, 2011
After Christmas Fun
I think I skipped the Pavelski Christmas last year on the blog and I'm sort of skipping over it now too, but I promise I'll be back to it. We were laughing so hard about some long lost pictures (things I didn't post) so pretty soon I'll be going back to post some pictures from the summer. and a few others.
Last year I don't even think I took a picture of our tree, the year before I took a picture of Reid with all of his loot around the tree. This year all of his toys were everywhere and being used so I didn't get to do that. Here is just a picture of us by the tree, the very decorated tree, we weren't allowed to leave any of the ornaments in the box, they all had to go on the tree! Don't look at me, it was early in the morning, but I'll want to remember everything some day...the good the bad and the ugly :)
The living room has been taken over by Reid and Kevin and the train. Here is a picture of Reid in the middle of all of his train stuff. He is wearing skeleton pants because we just had gotten home from sledding at Iverson. (which I didn't document because I was sledding with Reid as K was standing at the top of the hill with crutches and a knee brace) anyway....it's a cute shot of him with one of his favorites!
Last year I don't even think I took a picture of our tree, the year before I took a picture of Reid with all of his loot around the tree. This year all of his toys were everywhere and being used so I didn't get to do that. Here is just a picture of us by the tree, the very decorated tree, we weren't allowed to leave any of the ornaments in the box, they all had to go on the tree! Don't look at me, it was early in the morning, but I'll want to remember everything some day...the good the bad and the ugly :)

Monday, January 24, 2011
More Neuman Christmas Pictures!

Here are a few more pictures from Christmas in Minocqua! They are pretty self explanatory!
Today was my 33rd birthday! It was nice and quiet and perfect. Reid was excited to make my birthday cake and sing and he helped me blow out the candles.
I always sit down to upload pictures and then can't think of anything to write about him....let's see, he is so funny right now and really has a great sense of humor. He is telling knock knock jokes, one mainly...Knock knock, Who's there? Doughnut, Doughnut who? Dough Not knock on my door, and then he explodes in laughter, I'm not sure if he totally understand the joke or not considering that I'm not even sure if he knows what a doughnut it. He is making up words and little stories. When we ask him what they mean he says, "I don't know." He also knows his upper and lower case letters (which he has known for months now) but he now knows all the sounds they make,....every single sound. He surprised us when he got a little game that asks what letter makes the (blank) sound and you have to pick out the letter and yup you guessed he knew them all. I just watched in amazement because we never really taught him those. He has mastered puzzles of larger sizes, 25 + pieces and loves to do them. He is 2.5 years old already! I have pictures from the celebration of turning the big 2.5 that will soon follow. I will catch up I will catch up and dig out of my photo hole!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Christmas-Neuman Style

I didn't get too many pics playing outside because the snow was really coming down. I love his smile under his hat in this picture!

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Decorating the Christmas Tree

So my tree is still up and we are still enjoying it! Here are a few pictures of Reid decorating it!
So does anyone else ever have picture guilt? Well we received some sad news the other day that my in-law's puppy passed away and I realized I don't have any pictures of Reid with Caza, or very very few. Then I started thinking about the holidays and realized I never took any pictures of Reid with his great grandmas! Ugh, there is nothing I can do about it now except to make a mental note to never forget to do that again. So now I've added "take care of my pictures" to my list of new year's resolutions. Yup I usually have a few resolutions that I just mentally tell myself I'm going to do. This year I'm adding...... deal with my pictures of our family, which mainly consist of pictures of Reid. Mark my words by the end of 2011 I will have Reid's first 6 months in an album!
Maybe at some other time I'll tell you the rest of my in my mind resolutions!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Cathinging up and the Holidays!
Life is slowly getting back to normal after the holidays, surgery, new windows, and crazy work deadlines. I can't believe it's been a month since I last posted.
The holidays were a lot of fun this year! Reid had a blast, not sure if Christmas won out over Halloween though. Reid still "needs" to watch Halloween guys on YouTube and talks constantly about being scared or scary. He is just so much fun right now. Over the last month we have become Mom and Dad instead of Mommy and Daddy. He has become more and more analytical, for example we were singing a little song about him moving really fast and flying by and his reply was, "Silly Mom, I can't fly. I don't have wings," with a simple fake flap of his arms. Since I haven't written in a month I of course can't remember anything else to write! He definitely doesn't really know what to think about Kevin and his knee, he's getting used to it, but I had cut my finger and a lady at the YMCA was wrapping it up for me and he looked at her all concerned and said, "My mommy's finger is hurt, and my daddy's knee!" I think he was feeling sorry for him a lot and constantly needed to be by him, but that is wearing off now! I've got a lot of pictures coming if I can locate all the disks so stay tuned!
The holidays were a lot of fun this year! Reid had a blast, not sure if Christmas won out over Halloween though. Reid still "needs" to watch Halloween guys on YouTube and talks constantly about being scared or scary. He is just so much fun right now. Over the last month we have become Mom and Dad instead of Mommy and Daddy. He has become more and more analytical, for example we were singing a little song about him moving really fast and flying by and his reply was, "Silly Mom, I can't fly. I don't have wings," with a simple fake flap of his arms. Since I haven't written in a month I of course can't remember anything else to write! He definitely doesn't really know what to think about Kevin and his knee, he's getting used to it, but I had cut my finger and a lady at the YMCA was wrapping it up for me and he looked at her all concerned and said, "My mommy's finger is hurt, and my daddy's knee!" I think he was feeling sorry for him a lot and constantly needed to be by him, but that is wearing off now! I've got a lot of pictures coming if I can locate all the disks so stay tuned!
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