So my tree is still up and we are still enjoying it! Here are a few pictures of Reid decorating it!
So does anyone else ever have picture guilt? Well we received some sad news the other day that my in-law's puppy passed away and I realized I don't have any pictures of Reid with Caza, or very very few. Then I started thinking about the holidays and realized I never took any pictures of Reid with his great grandmas! Ugh, there is nothing I can do about it now except to make a mental note to never forget to do that again. So now I've added "take care of my pictures" to my list of new year's resolutions. Yup I usually have a few resolutions that I just mentally tell myself I'm going to do. This year I'm adding...... deal with my pictures of our family, which mainly consist of pictures of Reid. Mark my words by the end of 2011 I will have Reid's first 6 months in an album!
Maybe at some other time I'll tell you the rest of my in my mind resolutions!
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