These pictures are me practing with my macro lens. I'm learning about the lens and experimenting with the aperature. Depth of field with this lens is really fun to play around with especially with my favorite subject. Who by the way just popped a tooth last night. I had a feeling he was getting a tooth (and my mom, the baby whisperer, kept mentioning him getting a tooth REPEATEDLY, did I say my mom kept mentioning Reid getting a tooth?) Well last night he was crying whenever we put him down and then crashed after a dose of tylenol. This morning while I was feeding him cereal I saw it and of course starting cheering and called Kevin! It's just a little white spec right now. I'm curious to know how long it will take to come all the through! Well that is our excitement for the morning. Off to the Y in this chilly weather and looking forward to some Badger State Games hockey with the Hunters this weekend. Go CHASE!!!
"The Baby Whisperer".... i love it
"The Baby Whisperer".... i love it
"The Baby Whisperer".... i love it
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