Where has the last six months gone? My little guy is already 6 months old? What? I felt the tears welling up in my eyes thinking about the past half of a year and what a wild ride it has been!
You are the baby that trucked it all the way to Colorado at 4 weeks old like a little road warrior.
You are the baby that wakes up in the morning with a huge smile to greet the day!
You are the baby that feels my hair or your dad's beard while falling asleep, just to make sure it's one of us that is rocking you into dreamland.
You are the baby that loved to be swaddled and still loves to be really warm and wrapped up tight.
You are the baby that poops at 2,3,4, or 5 a.m. yup that's right always in the middle of the night:)
You are the baby that loves his bedtime routine and smiles and giggles at your dad after he kisses you as he waves good night to you out the door every single night, even when you are so tired.
You are the baby that can draw a crowd with your smile everywhere you go, a little flirt.
Your are the baby that opens your mouth so so so wide when you see the spoon of cereal coming for your mouth.
You are the baby that giggles and giggles when we just say, "We're going to get you."
You are the baby with the very ticklish legs.
You are the baby who loves to be read to.
You are the baby of many many nicknames....Boo, Bear, Weebs, Weeble, Fuzzy, Silly Billy, Tweet Beet, etc.
You are the baby that is so very proud that you can click your tongue.
You are the baby that only cries when you are tired.
You are the baby that one day out of the blue just completely rejected your nuk and only has taken it a handful of times since.
You are the baby that gives everything a taste test.
You are the baby that has taught us that the perfectly planned life is not nearly as much fun as the perfectly unplanned life.
You are not only that baby, you are our baby. Everyday as I ask the Earth, God, and the Universe to watch over you and keep you safe, healthy and away from harm I wonder how I got so lucky as to be your mom.
Hang on and hang on tight little guy, this wild ride is going to continue!
We love you and we hope we can teach you to LOVE LIFE.
1 comment:
Elizabeth I love this post! Made me tear up a bit...it is so evident how loved Reid is and how lucky he is to have you as a mom and Kevin as dad! I might have to snag this idea and do a post like this for my girls...I just love it!
How does six months go SO fast?
He is beautiful.
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