hours of sleep. Yes you heard it right I got 7 hours of sleep last night. That is more sleep than I've gotten in a night in probably a month. I feel like a champion. I'm not going to lie this past month has been really really hard on me. Between colds, ear infections, stomach bugs, diarrhea diapers, H1N1 vaccinations, surgery, work, and more work, and my completely unfestive house I felt like I had been through the wringer. Yesterday was not a good day. Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like the whole day is the straw that breaks the camel's back? That was my day yesterday. I won't bore you with the details but I'll tell you it ended with a cart FULL of stuff a forgotten wallet and poop on the shower curtain. Anyway I realize that none of this stuff is life threatening and I have a happy (for the most part :) and healthy family. I'm thankful I really am, I was just tired plain and simple. But today is today and it's going to be a good one. I can just feel it. Yes people I feel it so let's get out there and GO!! I'm going to finish up a job, maybe just maybe get a picture of Reid for our unfinished Christmas card and maybe he'll smile (I've had many attempts already so you all may be getting a nonsmile card), and maybe get this house decorated so Reid can start to see what Christmas is all about! Thanks family for all your help, what would I do without you?
I have a few things I need to write down about Reid but I guess that will be another post. He is quite a character. For now enjoy these pictures of us getting our Christmas tree.

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