Wow, Reid is 18 months old. Seems like a week ago we were just learning everything about bringing him home from the hospital. But as I snap back to reality so much is different...OBVIOUSLY. Anyway, he seems huge. Sometimes I stare at him in his crib and he just looks enormous. He is smart. And man is he fast.
There are so many "little things" that I never want to forget. Reid has quite the little vocabulary and it grows every day.
Ghuck (stuck)
Ahh-Ba-Ma (Our President if asked)
Pop! (when the toast is finished)
Bop (mainly when he hits his head, which is lessening)
Boom (lots of things)
Mor (more)
Tisk Tisk Tisk (music, mostly I want music on NOW)
Ho ho (that is what Santa says)
The list goes on but these are my favorites.
Other things I want to remember:
"The password" (To go and be carried into the basement Reid must present a password, which is a kiss and a hug)
The way he runs full speed into our arms.
How much he loves to be outside. His first few sled rides this winter.
Wide eyes at the Christmas tree.
How he can point out everything in "Goodnight Moon."
Pens and toothbrushes, well we could do without this habit but they seems to be security for him.
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