Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fun Times

I know, no studio shots. Oh well you'll just have to enjoy these everyday type shots.
We've had a really busy last couple of weeks. Not busy in run run run but just stuff going on. We had company, which allowed for a very very relaxing week of no work just play! We've had a go with teeth for awhile now and one has finally popped through and we can see the other three on the top trying their best. We all have had a cold, Reid has been a trooper with his fever and running nose. I think we are on the upswing though!
We are just waiting, and waiting for the rest of those teeth now!

Here is a picture of how we roll summer style! Not quite summer but the 80 degree day sure helped! Reid kept his sunglasses on the whole time the first time he wore them, now he likes to take them off.
And a few pics of him getting into mischief!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009



Monday, April 20, 2009

The ever practical monkey scarf.

My sister bought Reid this outfit, made by Zutano. Really fun children's clothing. As you can see this adorable monkey scarf is to die for. So funny.
I've felt like such a slacker when it comes to taking pictures. I've got to get this little mover and shaker down to the studio with this awesome chair! I think a naked picture with the monkey scarf is in order too!

9 months

Here are Reid's 9 month pictures.
To carry him, give birth to him, nurse him, and watch him grow into this little person has been an amazing journey. Happy 9 months little man!

Check up: 18.6 lbs 27 inches

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Belated Easter!

Just a lame posed family shot from Easter :) Look how handsome Reid looked all dressed up in his little shirt!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


A few weeks ago Reid discovered that he can sleep on his tummy and that sleeping on his tummy is so so so comfy. His sleep seems so much more restful and comfortable. High fives for tummy sleeping!

Being a Goof

Reid is such a goof. He goofs around and lets us put stuff on his head and he laughs. The other day Kevin said, "He really has a great sense of humor." That's funny to say about a 9 month old but it's true. He totally understands humor.

In my last post I was going to tell and document that Reid's favorite food is by far broccoli. He cries for more and if you switch to something else he'll let you know that more broccoli should be on order!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wanting to Learn

Reid has discovered that it is much more fun to feed himself. So our eating routine now consists of a major sink wash down after each meal! He is crawling all over the place, my whole day is one big workout. He also said Ma Ma the other day. He is tons of fun and full of smiles and laughs.
I've been slacking in my picture taking! He is 9 months old, and we'll be taking his sign pictures soon! I have pictures from Easter too. So keep checking back there will be updates to come!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

What happens when......

Mom leaves me alone with clean folded laundry!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

1st Baseball Game

Here are the boys at the first baseball game of the season. It was 50 + degrees that day but with a biting wind so we only stayed a little while.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy or Not So Happy Opening Day!!!

Reid's introduction to being a Tiger fan. Hope dies.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Everyday Activities

Photographing everyday activities.
Here is K explaining to Reid that having nails cut isn't really that bad.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Check out his hair! The other day I put a hat on him and it went flat. Kevin had to fluff it back up because he said, "He doesn't look like my son with flat hair."
Reid still says DA DA YA YA DA DA, but I get all the kisses.

Inspiration to be a little more "GREEN"


Check out this website. It's awesome what she is doing and accomplishing. We all could do something each day to reduce garbage, packaging etc.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Good Afternoon!

Here are a couple of pictures of Reid in his Harvard sweatshirt from Aunt Terri. Doesn't he look so scholarly?