Monday, November 29, 2010

Dem Bones Dem Bones

Dem Dancing Bones...yes it's a song a song that we sing often and yes it's still about skeletons.
We were getting ready to go to the holiday parade and Reid came out with this get-up on.
Well the lights are on the house, Reid's Christmas tree is lit in his room, the house tree and decorations aren't up yet but will be soon and the fun will begin with Elf on the Shelf! We'll see if Christmas can win his may take the full 4 weeks we'll see!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Just for Fun

Reid didn't know what he was getting himself into when his daddy put on his Halloween costume...He strikes....
...and Reid strikes back.Oh and yes Halloween gear, costumes, and clothing is still out in full force although Santa may have won him over last night. We went to the holiday parade last night and Santa was at the very end, and Reid was very excited to say the least. "Look look there he is there he is!!!"

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Can't you just hear him, ugh another picture?Some random pictures from some time back when it was sort of warmish outside....anyway he is cute!

Monday, November 15, 2010


I could write a book about Halloween this year. Let's just say Reid LOVED it. Not only LOVED it but LOVES it. He still talks about it everyday, he still asks to drive by the Halloween guys everyday, and he still wants to wear his Halloween shirts.... everyday. He cries when I tell him it's over, I had to sneak all our decorations into the basement while he was sleeping or not paying attention. He informed me that all my witches were gone one day, describing their disappearance in a voice in which you would have thought the house was robbed or that they had been kidnapped. He is obsessed with Frankenstein, shall I continue? We hear him talking in his sleep saying things like, "NOooooo that isn't a witch outside my window, it's Frankeeennnnsteeein." The ladies at the YMCA actually had the nerve to wash all the Halloween drawings off the windows, can you believe it? Our only saving grace has been a house down the street that put out Pilgrims and turkeys for Thanksgiving...but Reid's question was, "Mommy are you going to dress up as a Pilgrim for Thanksgiving? I be a turkey." Oh goodness is Thanksgiving going to be a let down!

Monday, November 8, 2010

My cutie pie goof

Here is Reid goofing around behind a screen! Click to see it bigger!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fall Fun

These were taken Oct 12th. I'm trying to catch up with pictures....not getting too far!
But I thought the fall ones should get up before it snows!The fake smile but looking at the camera!Smile, but come on look up!!!Best one!

Pre Halloween Fun

Reid with his favorite "Halloween Guuuuuy" Frankeeeeeensteeeeein!James pushed this baby buggy the whole day and even at the park later.Being scarecrows at the Scarecrow Fest.