Sunday, May 31, 2009


This photo is one of my favorites of Reid and I to date. The photo was taken by my mother-in-law in New York at a restaurant. I just love it. I love that Reid is laughing so hard, I love that you can see my wrinkles. Yes I said that I love that you can see my wrinkles. I don't love my wrinkles but I like that they are visible in this photo. I could easily photoshop them out in 2 seconds flat, but they fit. They came from worrying, sad times, and most importantly they came from happy times. They fit.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Funny Dad

Ahh belly laughs, they are absolutely, hands down the best sounds in the world.

10 months

Reid's 10 month-a-versary was yesterday. Happy 10 months little man!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Reid has been sleeping a little better. I think he was sleeping so well then wham the four teeth at once slammed him and us! Now his body is probably used to getting up and having milk. So I'm sure he'll be back on track in no time. Just in time to be thrown by traveling!! Ha. My sister just told me that sleep is always changing well into toddlerhood and that even as they grow up they will still be waking because you kept them up too late, or their day was too overwhelming or traveling to new places and smells etc. Kevin and I just laughed, totally not what you want to hear when you're sleep deprived, but the truth is always the best :)

Anyway Moms here is a reminder that if your baby isn't sleeping well. It's not your fault and it will change and it will pass!

Here are some stories to remind you of this and to make you feel better! Thanks again for all the emails and facebook messages!

Photo Shoots are Getting a Little Trickier

So I braved a photo shoot alone with Reid. Usually it's no big deal. I know it's always easier to have one more person to make them giggle or laugh or at least smile. But I haven't done one in so long that he is so much more active and doesn't really understand posing for the camera! Well it mainly went like this.....fake crying because he wants the camera or the cords or whatever I have in my hands! It is totally fake, hilarious.

This photo is cute, a little "Sears portrait studio," but cute. He absolutely would not look at the camera or smile! Isn't his hair to die for?Bring on the Cheerios!!Uh oh, what happened?

Monday, May 4, 2009

Thank YOU!!

Thank you thank you! This blog is sometimes such a great networking device. Thank you for all the emails and encouraging words. Sometimes when things are tough all you really need to hear is that someone else is right there with you. You need to hear that someone else's child took over a month to "grow" their teeth! You need to hear that someone's baby is waking up 10 times a night. You need to hear that it will pass and that you're not going to go crazy. You need to hear that someone else took their children to the ER because they were getting teeth. You need to hear that it will pass.

I have the best friends and family ever, seriously. Thank you sincerely. Thank you Mom for always thinking Reid is an angel and watching him on his most difficult day. Thank you for lying to me and telling me that he was good all day just to make me feel better. (He's never crabby according to her :)

The day is young, laundry is done, baby is sleeping and bathed, kitchen is clean. There is editing to be done by a deadline of tomorrow morning and ads to be designed, a baby to play with, he has all these awesome new toys to explore thanks to G and G Neuman!!, and a walk definitely needs to be taken in this beautiful weather. So GO!! GO!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

You don't have to love every second.

Kevin reminded me this morning that it is ok to not LOVE every second of being a mom and anyone who says they do or did is lying.
Yes moms out there this is ok! I'm also trying to remind myself that it is also ok that I'm completely behind in my work and my house is dirty, it all will get done right? Reid has not slept for nights now and we are both pretty sleep deprived and longing for more than a two hour stretch of sleep. We received the crazy parent award a couple nights back by taking Reid to the ER. He was crying and crying grabbing his throat and ears. You guessed it, there was nothing wrong with him. The doctor looked and talked to us like we were absolutely insane for having him in there. I took him to his doctor the next day and after a 1 1/2 hr appointment, you guessed it again there is nothing wrong with him except that he is getting teeth. Now, I'm not entirely convinced that is true yet. I hope and pray that there is nothing else wrong with him, and honestly deep down I don't believe that there is but honestly what the hell? Motrin should take the pain away from teething right? Well he is still waking every hour or two screaming. His gums are so swollen and red and we can see bright white teeth underneath, 4 of them. The doctor looked in his mouth and sort of gasped, "Oh my gosh are his gums huge." So I guess it's a bad case of teething in a baby who now refuses to eat and hates teething coldies, ice, washclothes etc. So not only is he exhausted he is probably starving. So that is enough, it just makes me feel better to type and tell.
So here are some pictures from more fun times. Reid gives kisses and you can see I'm the lucky recipient most of the time! Doesn't Reid resemble my brother Joe blue eyes and all?