Monday, September 28, 2009

You Say Tomato.......

Reid says Tomato. This is one of his absolute favorite things to do outside. He heads straight to the cherry tomato plant and plucks himself a tomato. Usually we try to get him to pick a green one so he doesn't squeeze a red one to death. But now he has learned that the red ones are different so he usually insists on one of each. Then very quickly makes the red one explode.

Discovering New Places

Reid is really on the move, in the dishwasher, in all the drawers and cupboards in the shower, up the stairs, out the door, do you get the picture? The other day he found the space under the desk in the kitchen and thought it was the perfect little space to hang out.

He walks like a pro now and he can say, "All done." So there is a mini update I'll be back with more in the next few days!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Good Morning

Enjoy it!
Has anyone ever seen a spider like this? I'm not a huge fan. It was in our yard, I'm pretty sure it's common and harmless but I still don't like it.
Well I hear a little tot awake in his crib and I can't wait to give him a cuddle this morning so we are off!
Happy Birthday Sandi!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Cloth Diapering

So I still am getting a lot of questions about cloth diapering. Not only am I getting questions I'm getting weird looks, rolling eyes, people asking for information, and "way to go,"s.

Now I'm just going to keep this short because if you want to cloth diaper there are SO MANY resources out there on that fancy inter-web thingy. I am by no means an expert on cloth diapers for I've only used one kind. There are people out there that have tons of different kinds and have tried everything. You have to find what works for you and your family and how much money and time you want to spend.

We use the Bum Genius 3 one size diapering system. They are a diaper that you stuff with a microfiber insert. They go on the baby just like a disposable. They adjust in size so you don't have to buy a ton of different sizes. They are awesome! I must say I'm not sure Kevin would have kept cloth diapering without THIS. It is essential. Just believe me you'll want one. Cotton Babies is a great resource. They even have a new diapers system that has disposable inserts. You can see them here.

One thing if you do end up cloth diapering these diapers have to be washed in a pretty specific type of laundry detergent. The detergents have to be free of enzymes, phosphates, brighteners, perfumes, fragrances, and dyes. So if you do make an investment in the diapers you'll want to wash them properly and according to the directions.

Please don't email and tell me that cloth diapering uses just as much energy as disposables and that I use more water washing them blah blah blah. Like I said, it works for us and please do what works best for you and your family :)

So anyway, easy cheesy. We love to cloth diaper. I'm not totally insane, I'm not a crazy tree hugger, I don't care how you diaper your own baby, just diaper them please. We do use disposables when we travel. Which isn't necessary, they sell a lot of things that make diapering a baby while traveling pretty easy it just isn't for us.

Are there times when the diaper is so full of poop, your husband isn't home and you are trying to rinse the diaper as your newly walking baby toddles in and grabs on to your leg and the toilet as he falls, you drop the diaper and the sprayer, then poop and toilet water spray you in the face and you wish at that moment you weren't cloth diapering? Yup there are. Well maybe just once........or twice.

Fun at the Park

I think it is so important to be in photographs with your children. I would love to have a picture of me with my mom from when I was a baby. I don't have any. I have maybe one or two when I'm about 3 years old but that is it. It's important to have them so the children can see that you were there, you were there playing, celebrating, or just being you. They can see time captured when they were small, they can see the places they went, the clothes they wore and the fun times they had WITH YOU. I think I look terrible in these pictures, but I don't care they aren't for me, they are for Reid.

I love this picture. I love the lines of the trees in the background repeated by the line of the tie on my shirt. I don't love the shadow on Reid's face but I love love love his expression and the fact that he looks A LOT like Kevin in this picture.

Isn't this so sweet, I just want to squeeze those little hands on my face. How precious is his smile?
So we both look a little unnatural in this picture but it works, for some reason I like it and I haven't figured out why. Help anyone? Is it his hair? Is it the straight lines juxtapositioned with the Vs formed by our arms and hands? There is something comforting and nice about it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another Day at the Park

So once again I'm going to say that these are pretty old pictures I think they were taken on August 24th. Since then the park has become a much more interesting place. Reid is walking and has decided that it is his main form of transporting himself. Last night we were at the park, the best park ever let me add, and I told Reid he should come over and sit by me on a treasure chest bench. He toddled over and about one second before he reached the bench he fell and smacked his chin on the bench. There was blood running down my arm and coming out of his mouth. He was fine after a minute but the park has become a scarier place. Well I guess with a new walker every place has become scarier!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I dare you to look at this....

and not laugh or at least smile!

King of the Daddy

This is a game we play a lot. Climb, tackle, tickle repeat.
Oh geez....You may notice the amount of crap, I mean stuff around in these pictures. Bottles of saline solution, books, remotes, tupperware covers, blankets that if I fold immediately get unfolded etc. Reid loves to play with stuff, it doesn't have to be toys and he loves to play under the blankets!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Da Da Da ???

Here are a few adorable pics of Kevin and Reid.
Kevin wasn't here this morning and Reid woke up
and started looking all over for him, Da Da,Da, Da??

Friday, September 11, 2009


This is how we were welcomed into Wildwood!
Goats were everywhere.
(Please click on this image to see it big, it'll make you smile I know it will)
Reid did pretty good considering they were nipping at his hands and stroller constantly!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Oh I forgot....

I have never received more comments on a blog post than I did on my previous one about family!!!
Thank you for all the love people! But why oh why are you scared to leave comments on the blog?

Bad Blogger Bad Bad Blogger (cleverly stolen from my friend Nerissa)

Well in my defense this is mostly what I see when I pull out the camera these days. These pictures are pretty old. The scrape on his forehead is from running into the dishwasher head first at my in-laws house. That was weeks ago. A lot has happened since then. Reid is walking (not completely stable or anything, but still walking!!!) he has had his first haircut and his Daddy has gone back to work!This is my attempt at practicing with my new camera lens! Love it, look at those crisp baby blues! Awesome. Life doesn't get much better than a new piece of glass in a photographer's world! (You can also see those ever so swollen gums on each side of his bottom teeth that have been red and swollen for a month now and where a tooth had been seen and is now no longer. Come on teeth, seriously where are you?)