Friday, July 24, 2009

A few Pictures and an Update

Reid had his 1 year check up this week. He weighed in at 20lbs. 1 oz. (10-15%) and 29 1/2 inches (25-50%). His shots went well and he didn't seem to have any reactions from them. 10 days after the MMR he could possibly get a rash and a fever bc it is live. Which is so crazy to me, 10 days seems like such a long time. Hopefully we'll avoid that! He was crying after his shots and then stopped quickly. As the nurse walked by him he looked and her and screamed. She said, "I'm leaving I'm leaving," we all laughed. He is doing so good, I just can't believe it's been a year. I can't believe it. He is so grown up. The weaing process is going well. If "well" is a way to describe it. "Well" would be a way of describing it for someone who didn't want to nurse anymore. I like it and wish that I would have had someone capture our time in pictures (tastefully :) But he was showing signs of already weaning himself so we decided it was time to cut out his sleep/nursing association. At first it was really hard bc he was teething. Don't try to wean while teething people. Dumb mistake. At that point I told my mom that he would be nursed until he was in kindergarden. Ha. Now we can, yes I said "we" can, put him for a nap just by walking and rocking him. Wow what a big step in his little life. I'm a little sad that that part of our time together is fading fast. Last night was the first night in his life that I didn't put him down for the night. Kevin was rocking him and he was blabbling Ma Ma Ma Ma (in a good way, not a crying way!) I'm sad but yet so very proud of him at the same time.
Enjoy the weekend people! We will, we are looking forward to another fun weekend adventure!
Pretzel boy, he loves pretzels!
This was before Reid's first boat ride. The life jacket was great, and Kevin even could hold him like a trout. Please don't call child services on us, there is a wide strap between his legs and notice his smile :)

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