Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Good morning

Well I'm having some mommy guilt that I am not keeping up with the blog and I'm not taking enough pictures of Althea and not keeping track of her accomplishments and not writing down all the funny and extremely smart things Reid is doing etc.!!! I'll catch up, or not, but I'll try. I've always sort of thought of this as their baby book of sorts. A way to keep track of everything, a way to show them someday what they did and when.
Althea is doing great she is super happy, smiling and laughing all the time. She likes to suck her thumb and she still likes her nuk. We hit a rough patch a week or so ago with a lot of crying and I thought it may just be her, well something snapped and she is back to her normal chill self. When it snapped she snapped into sleeping really well too...bonus.
Reid is still loving school and made a break through at hockey when they gave him a bunch of pucks to hit and chase around. Last week he was special person at school and had to bring in clothes from when he was a baby and a poster with pictures. This week is crazy week, hat day, wacky Wednesday and bowling with his class! He loves loves loves to play games right now it's his favorite thing to do. He reads like a first or second grader and talks like a teenager, we may be in trouble! Today it is suppose to be close to 40 degrees so Reid and I are heading out to snowshoe around my parents house. Should be fun and warm! Althea will opt to stay in the house with Grandma and a hip surgery recovering Grandpa.

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