Monday, October 8, 2012

11 months

Althea is 11 months old! Why oh why did the time fly? This is so her right now. She tucks her bottom lip and says, "Hohoho." We also think she is saying, "Ball." She walks in her walker outside and can now walk behind her little cart.
So happy she might just jump!
Wide grins!
Brother helping by getting some giggles.
She loves to clap!
Little cutie pie. I know the flower on her head may be over kill :)
Tucked lip again, she always does this when she laughs.

Check out those beautiful dark eyes.

Belly laughs!

The photo shoot quickly turned into Darth Vader's day in the spotlight.
With a snap to the face and Darth's portrait we all called it a wrap.
All except for Darth.

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