Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Reid has been sleeping a little better. I think he was sleeping so well then wham the four teeth at once slammed him and us! Now his body is probably used to getting up and having milk. So I'm sure he'll be back on track in no time. Just in time to be thrown by traveling!! Ha. My sister just told me that sleep is always changing well into toddlerhood and that even as they grow up they will still be waking because you kept them up too late, or their day was too overwhelming or traveling to new places and smells etc. Kevin and I just laughed, totally not what you want to hear when you're sleep deprived, but the truth is always the best :)

Anyway Moms here is a reminder that if your baby isn't sleeping well. It's not your fault and it will change and it will pass!

Here are some stories to remind you of this and to make you feel better! Thanks again for all the emails and facebook messages!


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