Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year Resolution

I really wasn't sure about a resolution. I was thinking and I usually try to do very realistic things.
I usually don't start on the 1st and I usually do pretty good. This year I just didn't feel like I needed to make one. Kevin never does and I just figured oh well I don't need one. Then I started reading what a few of my friends were up to and what they were doing. Mostly just things they wanted to accomplish this year, no major resolutions. Then I realized that last year I wanted it ALL. I wanted to prove I could do it all. I wanted to be a stay at home mom, I wanted to have a career, I wanted to nurse my baby until he was at least one, I wanted to cloth diaper him, I wanted to do all our yard work, and house work by ourselves and still have a hobby or two. I wanted to build my business and work from home all while having a little one in the house with me. I wanted to do all my own photo editing, accounting and invoicing. Well guess what? I did it. I did it all this past year. Don't get me wrong I do get help. I could have never done all this with out my husband of course. He cooks, he cleans, he works, he does A LOT. I could have never done it without my mom. She is willing to help us at anytime and the drop of a hat. So thank you for helping me to be able to "Have it All." This year I may not slow down but I may just ask for more help. I know it sounds a little selfish but it will be hard for me, I like to do it all and I like to do things my way. But I think I'll be a little more easy going if I stop and think "I could really use an extra hand right now." And maybe just maybe I'll take a little more time for myself. We are going to start with a vacation.....ahhhh and maybe a massage courtesy of my lovely in-laws!! thank you! Oh I'd also like to live a more "sustainable" life but that will probably be in the works. Ha.

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